EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: mc5686 on Monday 26 October 2009, 05:33:25 pm

Title: Dnsmasq not serving out lease names.
Post by: mc5686 on Monday 26 October 2009, 05:33:25 pm
Hi All,
I just installed the latest (2.3rc1) efw and I do not see the hostnames (correctly held in /var/lib/dhcpd.leases) in the DNS.
efw is the only DNS server and the only DHCP server in my home LAN.

lease {
  starts 1 2009/10/26 06:22:12;
  ends 1 2009/10/26 07:22:12;
  binding state active;
  next binding state free;
  hardware ethernet 00:a0:d1:a9:6c:eb;
  uid "\001\000\240\321\251l\353";
  client-hostname "wiki3_1";

root@efw:~ # ping wiki3_1
ping: unknown host wiki3_1
root@efw:~ # ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=128 time=7.28 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=1.25 ms

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1007ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.254/4.268/7.283/3.015 ms, pipe 2
root@efw:~ #

Any idea?
I can obviously generate fixed leases for my handful of computers and add them manually to the hosts file, but I felt I should report this.

Thanks in advance

Title: Re: Dnsmasq not serving out lease names.
Post by: latewednesday on Thursday 05 November 2009, 01:38:35 am
Same issue here.  DHCP is being served by dhcpd, DNS by dnsmasq, with no intermediary host file for dnsmasq to pick up the DHCP client host list. Unless I'm missing some option, DHCP client's can't have their names directly serviced via DNS - static entries are needed.