EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: linomsai on Thursday 05 September 2013, 04:44:14 am

Title: Single Public IP & Multiple domain's mail server
Post by: linomsai on Thursday 05 September 2013, 04:44:14 am
I request support from the endian ccommunity to help me in resolve my issue. I have installed Endian Firewall which has one public IP (Red Zone)and two mail servers each of different domains which is in the green zone (Private IP).

For eg.  (1) mail. ABC. com -
             (2) mail. XYZ. com -

            Endian Firewall is with public IP. Both the mailserver's are running on same ports for various services like SMTP, POP3, Webclient like https : // mail . ABC . com and https : // mail . XYZ . com. I tried the port forwarding / Nat option, But this would lead to conflicts.
 I request assistance how can i configure EFW to direct traffic for mail . ABC. com to and traffic for mail . XYZ . com to

Title: Re: Single Public IP & Multiple domain's mail server
Post by: linomsai on Friday 06 September 2013, 12:53:53 am
Can anybody help and suggest us?

Title: Re: Single Public IP & Multiple domain's mail server
Post by: svoelker on Friday 06 September 2013, 05:43:25 pm
you can do this with the smtp proxy, you wont be able to port forward that so easy.

1. remove the port forwards you created

2. go to : Proxy -> SMTP

3. enable the smtp proxy

4. setup the incoming domains

Title: Re: Single Public IP & Multiple domain's mail server
Post by: linomsai on Friday 06 September 2013, 06:31:30 pm
Did tried but does not work. for eg. I cannot access the webclient like https : // mail . ABC . com and https : // mail . XYZ . com. Basically it should redirect traffic to the domain to their respective ip's and ports. I think, smtp proxy will redirect only the smtp traffic. not the https or IMAP etc.

Title: Re: Single Public IP & Multiple domain's mail server
Post by: linomsai on Wednesday 25 September 2013, 12:54:48 am
Are there any one to help me? Basically, I would like to share my single public ip with multiple domains and route to the various services of the respective domains.

Title: Re: Single Public IP & Multiple domain's mail server
Post by: linomsai on Thursday 03 October 2013, 06:16:49 pm
Any help there...?