EFW Support

Support => Installation Support => Topic started by: vdpollm on Friday 05 November 2010, 05:10:40 pm

Title: upgrade efw how to guide please
Post by: vdpollm on Friday 05 November 2010, 05:10:40 pm
Hi there,

I am new to efw, and need to upgrade to 2.4.1. but can't seem to find out where to do this?
Could somebody please point me to a howto, etc? it asks me for a username?



OK, sorry about that, just found out how to do this......  :(

Title: Re: upgrade efw how to guide please
Post by: mcmoore on Friday 05 November 2010, 08:18:32 pm
Login to the shell from the console or with ssh
Then run
Choose production
Your username is the email address you registered with on the endian coimmunity site.
Once that is done (Should take a while with lots of spam)
Smile, you are updated :)

Title: Re: upgrade efw how to guide please
Post by: pwinterf on Monday 08 November 2010, 11:02:12 pm
before you run this ensure that you have taken a backup of your config, as its clear many are finding that 2.4.1 has no end of issues,
1 which leaves you with an un bootable system.

also make sure you have downloaded the 2.4 CD iso as you might need it, assuming you upgraded a lower revision.

regards peter

Title: Re: upgrade efw how to guide please
Post by: pollywaffle on Wednesday 08 December 2010, 02:06:39 am
hi there,

I stupidly followed a post that told me to

 rpm -ivh h**p://updates.endian.org/upgrade.rpm

and run the update.  Now the whole upgrade process seems borked:

Loading cache...
Updating cache...                          ######################################################### [100%]

Fetching information for 'efw-community'...
-> h**p://pollywaffle:*@updates.endian.org/devel/repodata/repomd.xml
repomd.xml                                                                                           [ 25%]
error: Failed acquiring release file for 'efw-community':
error: h**p://pollywaffle:community@updates.endian.org/devel/repodata/repomd.xml: The requested URL returned error: 401

Updating cache...                          ######################################################### [100%]

Channels have no new packages.
ERROR: Error during upgrade


Title: Re: upgrade efw how to guide please
Post by: teejay on Thursday 09 December 2010, 09:00:34 pm
Hi !

I´m facing the same problem. Seems to be a problem withe the endian-server itself.
Said that there´s no statement from endiem themselves.
Probably they have not noticed it yet...

Best regards,

Title: Re: upgrade efw how to guide please
Post by: teejay on Thursday 09 December 2010, 10:12:14 pm
Support knows about the problem: bugs.endian.it/view.php?id=3363
Probably it´s best to watch that thread/bug.

Best regards