Hi Guys,
I have setup VPN subnet.
Everything is going well as long as there is
only one remote user connected.
As soon as there are
more than one remote users connected on the
same account (same authentication) one or more remote users connection don't comply with firewall rules.
For example:
1) One remote user connected to the USER account authentication: if I disable a SSH connection from VPN to GREEN zone, the user connected cannot any more connect machine with a SSH service. Connection behaviour is complying the firewall rules. Good

2) Two remote users connected to the same USER account authentication: if I disable a SSH connection from VPN to GREEN zone, one of the user connected cannot any more connect machine with a SSH service while the other user connected still can connect machine with a SSH service. Connections behaviour are NOT complying the firewall rules. Bad

Why some of the remote connections "stuck" on the VPN firewall rules while others remote connections FROM THE SAME ACCOUNT don't

Thanks for helping