Hi ,
I am using the Endian v2.3 Firewall very happy with it and the changes from the previous version very nice .
A few days ago I found in my inbox a few emails from the Endian Firewall that the root logged in on the system , but the only person knowing the password was me and I didn't logged in to it I got I think 3 of this emails in a interval of 5 minutes and the IP address was of one of my Win7 PC's in the network .
After I seen this I logged in to the webmin to see if everything is ok and the server was working normally , a few hours later i realise a lot of traffic from that PC over my internal network , after a few investigations I realise that it has a virus some trojan back door thing .
I clean that PC and a few others which got infected later but when i tried to log in to Endian to access the webmin the password didn't work same for SSH under root.
1. I am the only person knowing the password
2. It was a 6 digit long password from letters and numbers
3. I never got a email saying "Login failed of user root" like i got now when I tried to log in myself
So my question is how could some one get in to Endian root so easy without having acceess to the server at the console and change my passwords

Brute force attack ? ..-> I never had any "Login failed of user root" emails sent to me unless they been supressed some how ?
I am runing endian in VM so I will do copy before I reset the root and admin password just in case some one from Endian Crew wants to have a look! Or any ideeas !