EFW Support

Support => EFW SMTP, HTTP, SIP, FTP Proxy Support => Topic started by: a18041967 on Monday 10 January 2011, 07:02:07 am

Title: Non-Transparent Proxy - ByPass, HOWTO
Post by: a18041967 on Monday 10 January 2011, 07:02:07 am
Is it possible to bypass the proxy when set to non transparent, I'm in a 'chicken and egg' situation....

When set to transparent devices that cannot authenticate work perfectly, but I cannot then authenticate other users.


When set to non transparent users are authenticated correctly, but other non authenticated devices fail.


Title: Re: Non-Transparent Proxy - ByPass, HOWTO
Post by: davvidde on Thursday 10 February 2011, 10:24:33 am
Explain better your goal because it's not very clear for me.

If you have a block of users that need to authenticate to access websites and a block of users who need to access freely (without authentication) some (and limited) websites, you can achieve this by creating a policy rule, put this on top of list, set the field "destination type" to "domains" and adding the domains to be accessed freely, set the "authentication" to "Disable" and "filter profile" to "none".
This rule create a whitelist domains for un-authenticated users.

Add a second rule, put "destination type" to "any" and "authentication" to "Enable", fill other fields as you need.
This rule create a policy for authenticated users and for all websites.

You need to use NON TRANSPARENT proxy because you need user authentication.