ges35 is right.
Here is how you can get it to work
Setup endian like your going to join it to your domain. hit save on the configuration page. then join domain. This will fail, but it should generate the winbind.conf file.
SSH to your server (putty)
goto the /etc/samba directory (cd /etc/samba)
Edit the winbind.conf file and change the following line:
Workgroup = <domain short Name>
Workgroup = <Domain Full name, (the same as your realm)>
Save File
now run the following to join the domain:
net ads join -U<username> -s /etc/samba/winbind.conf
you should get back Something like Joined '<computer name>' to realm '<full domain name>'
If you have multiple DC's wait up to 15 min for replication
you can test the connection by running wbinfo -t
Should be joined.
So this raises the question why did endian not do a rc2 on 2.3? Authentication was an issue in rc1. I like it but it needed more testing before a final was stamped on this...
BTW you can track this bug here:, no need to create smb.conf file.