The basic installation of squint is relatively easy and included in the INSTALL file included with the gz file.
First, grab the squint.tar.gz file from the site: you don't already have it, I recommend getting WinSCP to transfer the squint.tar.gz file to a location on your Endian. For me, I just copied it to the /root folder.
Here's a copy of the Installation text:
# tar -zxvf squint.tar.gz
I hope this part is easy enough
# cp /usr/local/bin
Install the binaries in a nice place
# init
This creates a place for the reports in
/usr/local/httpd/htdocs (or whereever the htdocs
directory is found). It installs a crontab entry to run
the report daily, weekly and monthly. You may wish to
edit the crontab entry first -- the system has not been
optimised for security, and runs (unnecessarily) as the
user root, rather than the user squid.
Note that if you run at all, it is likely to make
crontab entries for you (!)
# all
Create current daily, weekly and monthly reports -- don't
do this twice! -- the reports get rotated every time you
run the task, so things can get a little messy.
# regen
Recreate all the reports for your initial system, and
also for when the program manges to mess things up. You
need to run this to maintain weekly and monthly reports
if your server happens to miss a cron job.
Once you've followed those initial instructions, find my post above about creating the squint folder and then what to modify in the /usr/local/bin/ file
All in all, it's not bad. Let me know if I missed something.