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Author Topic: Nice setup now not working  (Read 18745 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 2

« on: Thursday 11 December 2008, 11:09:29 am »

How annoying.  I've discovered Endian Firewall and have a spare PC so setup it up to act as one.  Set it up for testing.  Firewall connected to my switch and the other NIC connected to the router.  My PC was connected to the switch.

So firewall (in the RED zone) 1st NIC connected to the router with and the router

The other NIC on the firewall is (in the GREEN zone) and connected to the switch.

Once the firewall was booted and connected, my PC could connect to the Internet.  Disable the firewall and sure enough can't get to the Internet.

Was able to get on the firewall console via a browser going to as my PC is (in the GREEN zone)

So decided to migrate it out of test and into my network.  Now I can't get access to the console at all.  Moved it back to my test area and can't get access to the console there now either.  Reset to factory settings which sets it to and I've set my PC back to and I can get on the console and set everything up again.  Once back to and my PC back to yet again I can't access the console.

I'm confused as it worked fine before.

Pic shows setup

Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: Thursday 11 December 2008, 11:51:26 am »

I wonder if it's switch specific.  I reinstalled it from CD, set it up in the test area and it's working fine again.  But I bet if I move it to the other switch, it won't work.  But then that doesn't explain why when moved back to the switch it was installed on, it doesn't work, possible that when it loaded on the other switch, it corrupts it maybe.

Odd.  I'll see what happens when I move it tomorrow.
Jr. Member
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You're Doing it Wrong

« Reply #2 on: Friday 09 January 2009, 08:40:21 am »

I had a similar problem however when I cycled power on the switch and restarted the computers, everything worked again...I was using DHCP so it needed to have the new IP's however that might not be your issue.
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