Hi I found a tool that looks really promising for reporting on PROXY logs but I would like to get some help on 2 issues:
1. Enable samba sharing of /var/log/squid folder so I can have as near to realtime reporting as possible (or your solution or suggestion of the best way to do this)
2. I still do not have usernames showing in my PROXY logs only IP addys (I run non-transparent with AD integration works great) - NOT a deal breaker here, I will deal if I have to.
Thank you for any help or light you can shed on this.
BTW here is the URL for mySAR:
Here is a Spanish/Portugese? guy implementing this with endian but I can't seem to gleam enough from the translated page to actually feel secure about doing this:
(no links allowed but I think you should be able to follow what I put in there

I run 2.4.1 BTW