Hello everyone,
I found one way to get a new root's password:
Boot in single user:
In order to do it you must press "e" to edit and write down "single" (without quotes) and press "b" to boot.
After it finishes to boot you will get a prompt. Finally you can change the password doing:
shell# passwd
Now you can type a new password

then just reboot and that's it!!!
If you wanna change the admin's password you need to do this:
(once you login)
shell# vi /var/efw/auth/users
and delete the line where admin is...then
shell# htpasswd /var/efw/auth/users admin
here it will ask you for a password. And that's the way I found to get root and admin's password...
I guess was a mistake or or someone forgot to ask for the password...anyway...I hope this tiny guide would be useful.
Omar M