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Author Topic: SMTP Proxy Outgoing Emails on DUL Blacklist  (Read 12732 times)
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« on: Wednesday 11 August 2010, 09:57:38 pm »


Since we start using SMTP Proxy all ours outgoing emails are blocked in DUL Blacklist. There is a log on Endian SMTP Queue:

-Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
78169FC005     2017 Fri Aug  6 13:34:58  xxxx @ xxxxx . xx
(host mail01 . allianz . pt . azmx . net[ .  .  . ] refused to talk to me: 550 Service unavailable; Client host [ . xxxx .  . ] blocked using Trend Micro RBL+.Please see h t t  p : //www . mail-abuse.com/cgi-bin/lookup?ip_address= .  .  . xx)
                                         xxxx @ allianz . pt

I contacted them and received this automatic email:

This email is designed to help you solve the problem by checking your email configuration (STEP 1 below). If that does not stop the IP being blocked, then you can contact your ISP for further action (STEP 2 below).


Here are two things to check about your mail configuration:

Email Client
Check that the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) setting on your email client (such as Outlook Express or Mail) is using the outgoing mail server for your ISP. Most ISPs require that you use their mail server to avoid spamming incidents.

Email Server or Proxy Server
If you run a mail server on your computer, or if your local network uses a proxy server, set the SMTP Gateway setting on the mail server or proxy server to your ISP's outgoing mail server. This will force your mail server or proxy server to send all outgoing mail to the ISP first, and then the ISP will relay it to its final destination.

Note: If you are a RoadRunner business customer, you may need to contact your ISP to get your business IP marked as static. They will then let Trend know of the change.


If the two steps above do not solve the blocking issue, then If the two steps above do not solve the blocking issue, then the rDNS for the IP may need to be corrected to clearly indicate it is a static IP.

Trend's Spam Investigations team can work with your ISP to solve the problem. You can find the correct email address to use when contacting your ISP to use by going to the following web page and typing in your IP address:

h t t p ://ip-lookup.net/

Then click on the Domain owner info (Whois /Abuse) link and look for an email address. You can use this address to contact your ISP and ask them to work with Trend Micro.

The ISP can start this process by sending an email from their Domain owner email address to dul @ mail-abuse . com.

Thank you for contacting Trend Micro and we hope this email has helped you to resolve the IP blocking issue.

The question is, i don't change anything the only thing is that the SBS 2003 send the emails throw Endian and Endian send them throw my ISP. We have a Static IP, and only got blocked after implemented Endian Firewall.

Someone know what can be wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Daniel Gomes

Best regards,

Daniel Gomes
Full Member
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Gender: Male
Posts: 23

« Reply #1 on: Monday 16 August 2010, 02:05:55 pm »

Anyone can help me on this?

Best regards,

Daniel Gomes
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