hello developper!
i'm working as admin and we intend to use endian for a smpt-proxy for some domains. it works fine, but
some ideas i wanted to have in endian - unfortunately i dont know cgi, py, or any other programming language.
but may be thees ideas are interesting to you and you can use them for your software.
1) possibility to add other/more rblsmtp provider - some of the fix are not very good (particular the ones who filter dynamic adresses)
2) alert (mail, sms) if a service is going down
3) user management (not only admin should be able to login - other user with LOWER rights would be ok - p.ex. to re-start died daemons,...)
4) statistical output (like SMTP Mail StatisticsI) for ANY domain which is in smpt-proxy-"local-domain"-list
5) whitelist for RBLSMTP requests (if possible - working with qmail since years - had no idea so far how to solve that)
6) Bounce AND deliver for spammails which have a certain range of points (if your spam-tag/mark level is 5 - bounce should be in range of 5 to 6 to inform GOOD sender that his mail is tagged as spam and MAYBE NOT READ by receiver!)
7) logs for spam and antivirus where only certain fields are displayed (date,hour,which virus/spam-points/sender/receiver)

possibility to reset collected data to zero. status -> traffic graph # status -> smtp mail statistics,...
9) running webserver on endian, running sftp server on endian (not intelligent - i know

10) loggin, collection to mysql-database
11) THANX for that piece of software - its very, very useful and nice designed!
best regards,