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Author Topic: Corrupted downloaded files  (Read 12653 times)
Jr. Member
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Posts: 3

« on: Wednesday 16 January 2013, 12:12:15 am »

Lately endian is corrupting a lot of files which I download. IT happens to many different servers and different kind of files (exe,rar,gz etc). Basically when I select to download a file which is for example 10mb, the download stops at 2-3 mbytes and it appears as completed. If I change my gateway directly to my router it works fine. From my endian logs I get this message

19548 192... TCP_MISS/200 3178797 GET download.owncloud.com/download/owncloud- 1.1.4-setup.e xe - FIRST_UP_PARENT/content3 application/x-ms-dos-executable

Any ideas?

E.G. endian is configured in transparent mode
Jr. Member
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Posts: 1

« Reply #1 on: Sunday 10 February 2013, 12:44:22 pm »

I have experienced exactly the same problem, downloads start then fail randomly, even small file 8m or so will fail, if I turn off the http proxy the problem goes away

Have you found a solution apart from turning off the proxy?
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« Reply #2 on: Tuesday 12 February 2013, 01:13:24 pm »

Taken from: http://www.efwsupport.com/index.php?topic=3047.0

Try this . . .
1. Set up Endian to allow SSH connections from the main dashboard. Just choose SSH ACCESS and then click ENABLE SSH ACCESS.
2. Use an SSH client (like Putty) to log into the firewall using it's local IP address. Use "root" for the login and the password you initially assigned the box to login. You should get a shell prompt after this.
3. Run the command "nano /etc/clamav/clamd.conf.tmpl"
4. Scroll down to the line that says "DetectBrokenExecutables yes"
5. Change the line to "DetectBrokenExecutables no"
6. Press CNTL+O then CNTL+X. You should be taken back to the command line. You can type "logout" to quit the SSH client.
7. Unless you need it, go back to the web interface and turn the SSH server back off.
8. Reboot - Even after updating, rebooting, etc. Endian will no longer check for broken executables.
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