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 on: Monday 11 November 2024, 02:16:35 am 
Started by p3rlphr33k - Last post by p3rlphr33k
No simple solution here. Endian tied every service into a core module that is closed source. So in order to gain control of the internal network configurations on a permanent basis, a new management interface must be written to replace the emi on this distro. The emi is the "endian management interface". The emi reports stats and statuses to both the UI and console, start and stops services, and does so over UI via web socket using Json. All of this needs to be replaced in order to gain control of the configs. And changes to the still open source parts of endian, result in breaking the software because of hard coded params, and template based configs in the service startup.

 on: Sunday 10 November 2024, 07:28:05 pm 
Started by p3rlphr33k - Last post by devel.tech1
Thanks for your wonderful work. I appreciate it because community edition is quite old now. Yes, Limitation of zones in endian is big bottleneck but it is removed in the paid version and added many other features as well. I was looking in the IPFire 3.x version. they removed this limitation in the latest version but yet not public probably.  Can you explain how you are doing it. ?


 on: Friday 08 November 2024, 12:53:24 pm 
Started by p3rlphr33k - Last post by p3rlphr33k
Just a follow up.. I purchased razwall dot com and will begin setup of a new SMF to aid in communication during development. As soon as I have a fully usable code based on the modifications i will post in the github project "razwall".

 on: Friday 08 November 2024, 12:45:38 pm 
Started by p3rlphr33k - Last post by p3rlphr33k
I am probably a year out from completing the fork. All of the Endian components that have been replaced in the recent 3.3.X versions are compiled into binaries and closed source. I will have to completely recreate those closed components such as the web socket services, dashboard, some CLI components, and the custom service handler. Right now my primary objective is to fix the 4 zone lock in problem. Instead I will leverage the default zone rules as default rule sets to apply to additional zones (screenshot attached). I have already refactored tons of code and consolidated most of the components into a new filesystem structure. Once I resolve some of these issues with the way the firewall works, I will focus on a re-base to newer version of LFS or move to Rocky base. I want to know if this project is of any value to any of the members, or if I am just doing this for myself? I would like to hear some feed back.

In case anyone is concerned about the difficulty of this project, I have plenty of experience with complicated projects. I created the RazDC project!

Thanks for reading!


supervene DOT com SLASH razwall DOT png

 on: Wednesday 30 October 2024, 02:27:29 am 
Started by aender - Last post by p3rlphr33k
Sorry to revive an old thread. I have been looking at the code for Endian 3.3.2 and have been modifying for dynamic zones. I am tired of the limits created by R,G,B,O zones. I hope to completely eradicate the fixed zones and move to dynamic zones and expand DHCP to cover each zone. nothing published yet, but I plan to setup a github spot for the build. I see a lot of strange python redirecting to perl/cgi in this version so I assume Endian plans to move to a python based platform at some point. I will keep the original perl/CGI and get rid of the python since it is barely implemented. I am curious if anyone has done this before i recreate the wheel? I see netdeep has created some type of ipcop/smoothwall for (possibly Endian) but it is still locked into the 4 zones.


 on: Saturday 09 March 2024, 01:49:14 am 
Started by escotland - Last post by alexandredsc
2024, Endian Community 3.3.26 and the warnings still pop up.

 on: Saturday 02 March 2024, 08:21:19 am 
Started by Permise - Last post by pgallant
Anyone knows when Intel i225 support will be integrated in Endian Community edition?

 on: Wednesday 28 February 2024, 01:09:27 am 
Started by leandrooriguela - Last post by leandrooriguela
Does Endian Community support the Intel 211 driver?

 on: Saturday 06 January 2024, 11:30:20 pm 
Started by pisisler - Last post by pisisler
I have a DNS server running behind Endian and it works fine. But I can't see the client IPs of those who make requests to this DNS server; because Endian proxies DNS requests. That's why all I am seeing in my DNS server logs is that all the DNS requests are coming from which is Endian's local IP.

So how can I disable DNS proxying of Endian to let my DNS server see the real client IPs? I tried enabling transparency in Proxy -> DNS but it didn't work. (I have only GREEN interface enabled so I can enable transparency on GREEN zone only.)

 on: Friday 05 January 2024, 08:25:49 pm 
Started by nattelip - Last post by nattelip
SSH protocol flaw – Terrapin Attack CVE-2023-48795: All you need to know

see    jfrog.com//ssh-protocol-flaw-terrapin-attack-cve-2023-48795-all-you-need-to-know/

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