Hi IMHO the problem could be here:
under /var/openvpn/clients/ there are several files each one for each OpenVPN client account. These are generated from a template. So if I edit the file 'vpn1' (name of a VPN account) I see something like this:
; this file has been automatically generated using the template
; /var/openvpn/user.tmpl written to /var/openvpn/clients/vpn1
; server is on GREEN
; no explicit routes to push
;push openvpn networks of other users
; push only global dns server(s)
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
So if here I add this line:
push "route-gateway"
...... et voilà ... all return to work correctly!!!
OpenVPN Client receive the right routing rule!!!
Could someone help me to modify the template?

In efw 2.4.0 the same file is written using different variables so I can't use it