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Author Topic: RTL 8111/8168B problem  (Read 26506 times)
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« on: Friday 24 July 2009, 11:19:24 pm »

Hi all.
I founf a problem installing endian on a Asus eeeBox B202

Internal NIC is a Realtek TRL 8111/8168B

Endian detects the nic, but as 8189 and non IP packets pass thru the network.

I found a workaround....

1- install Endian (2.2)
2- Reboot and just start a debian installation , until it detects the nic
3- halt the debian installation and reboot to Endian

Now the nic work until you change the ip address. If The ip changes, you need to  repeat the workaround from point 2.

No problems if you reboot or switch off the Endian PC

Help !!!!!

Thank you
Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: Sunday 18 October 2009, 01:17:02 am »

I got something similar with a realtek 8168, installs fine, reboots to whatever you set the ip, but after a subsequent reboot the realtek just stops working. if shows the interface as being up, but will not assign an ip.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #2 on: Saturday 14 November 2009, 01:11:51 pm »

So I was really hoping this would be resolved in the 2.3 final release, alas, im dissapointed.
Realtek are supposed to be supported by the kernel, no? like theres no driver. you guys wont let me compile a driver. so im stuck. my machine has 1 pci slot and no spare other slots. i need to use that nic, or  a new computer without a realtek, which is kinda ruling out most of the pc's/generic nic's out there.

my problem is different to dtruffo in that the system works fine after install. i install from cd. open the web page, run the config wizard then happily use the system, no problems. i reboot and thats it. the nic just wont work. it says its up. shows an ip. but when you look at the stats on the card (ifconfig) theres just no data.   RX bytes:0 (0 MiB)  TX bytes:0 (0 MiB)

what im supposed to run the debian install everytime i loose power or reboot the box? not a good solution implementing software in a remote location.

ive installed centos and trixbox on the same machine. in fact i have the same machine which has been running for about 2 years with a trixbox install (which is cent) and the thing hasnt skipped a beat. if the power gets cut it turns itself back on and the phone starts ringing again. hrm..
Hero Member
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« Reply #3 on: Wednesday 18 November 2009, 02:04:29 am »

I have exactly that card (very common as I see) and worked fine even with rebooting. I have had several VLAN's on it, and on the first week everything was ok.
 But when I started to load the system it becomes totally unstable. In fact with 200+ clients I have kernel panics every 10-20 minutes, rebooting the whole system. It doesn't leave any trace of what's happening. I put a webcam pointing to the monitor to catch the kernel panic. After taking it, it reveals a kernel panic due to the r8169 driver. So be warned, on heavy load is unreliable  Undecided
  I'll try to recompile the driver, must be some way. I tried a 2.2 driver and doesn't work.
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