Hi Spagetthi,
What I've done is disable the proxy for my network to get this working - NOT the ideal, but I have to get it working. I've read up on this issue and it would seem like it is a problem with GTalk as it uses a "non standard and unrecognized authentication protocol" (I got this from another forum, not EFW related.) I did create an exception for port 5222 but that did not help, even tried to not cache anything from .google.com but unfortunately it did not help as the connections were still being dropped.
I have to agree on the support issue - I have posted several issues and have a 0 response but I think that we have to realize that this forum is the unofficial support forum and with that I guess we can expect a lackness in answers especially if we are not dealing with the developers directly like with Bacula etc. BUT if the commercial product is in anyway similar to the community version .... well then I'd rather look at SOnicwall or Lucent for a decent UTM solution or go back to Shorewall, Squid and Dansgaurdian installations on Fedora / CentOS - the only thing that made Endian nice was the combined web management console - which turns out not to be so great afterall.
Well that is my 2 cents worth - hope you find what you're looking for, I'm also looking for an alternative to EFW at the moment -> maybe I should just go back to Shorewall