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Author Topic: Proxys question.  (Read 12996 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: Friday 27 April 2012, 12:11:09 am »

I'm a former Smoothwall user, newly come to Endian. I have everything set up and working great. My hardware is a Pentium 3-800 w/ 128 Ram. I'm running a 12Mbps DSL connection, and a DLink DIR 601 router.

Everything is smooth and responsive until I get to the proxy setup. Obviously since the http proxy is the first page, I turn it on first. I don't really change anything because I'm not up on it yet. But when I enable it, I can no longer connect. The Endian box seems to get brain dead for a while like I've done something wrong. I set my box back to factory default but it will not give me control. I have to do a new install of Endian. I've tried this three times, with the same results.

I know my hardware is good enough to handle the load. I'm just wondering if there is something I need to read on more, or... In the Endian Dashboard everything is good. But my Proxys are not enabled. So I thought I would add that last bit of security. But I'm running into this issue. I haven't enabled the other Proxys yet. I want to work through this issue with the http proxy first. Any ideas? Do you need more information?

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« Reply #1 on: Thursday 10 May 2012, 07:03:03 pm »

Please read more about squid server.
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