« on: Wednesday 27 October 2010, 08:52:11 am » |
This Blacklist Updater script was originally written by Gavin Vickery. I only rewrote stage 4 of the script to update the categories. I also added a very simple script to automatically run updates on a weekly basis, organized the file structure, and wrote some how to documentation.
I have been running the blacklist updater script for several months in a production environment successfully, which is an American public school.
The black list is Shallalist updated by Shalla Secure Services. Please abide by their licence (license) register using their licence link. You can also submit URLs, browse categories, and search for URL/Domains on their site.
Enjoy. Roy
Apparently you must login to see the file to download.
« Reply #1 on: Saturday 30 October 2010, 07:33:53 am » |
In my instructions included with the black list updater I forgot to add that the scripts need to be marked as executable. Therefore...
After using WinSCP to copy the files to the scripts folder and cron.weekly folder right click the file and choose properties, then check executable.
Jr. Member
Posts: 8
« Reply #2 on: Thursday 13 January 2011, 05:43:33 am » |
Awesome Job! Thank You!
I had an issue during copy of the py file getting converted to a DOS file, got this error: ": bad interpreter: No such file or directory/usr/bin/python"
I'm unsure that it wasn't because of how I did it since I run a Mac and couldn't follow your directions to a T.
BTW the way I overcame the file format error was to start a new file in nano over ssh on the endian box and just copy and paste the stuf from your py file then save and it automatically saved in the correct (UNIX) format.
ALSO: For the un-LINUXed such as myself the command to make the files executable is "chmod +x /etc/scripts/blacklist_updater_2.py" and chmod +x /etc/cron.weekly/updateblacklists" in putty while connected to Endian.
But mostly just wanted to say "Thank You" to you and Gavin Vickery for the great work.
Great WORK!!! Thank You!
Jr. Member
Posts: 1
« Reply #3 on: Monday 28 February 2011, 12:24:09 pm » |
obviously i'm only a newbie here but - to make the script work - seem to need editing the script (also with notepad for the win user) and put a space after the firts ! so the first line will result as this (without quote) "! \usr\bin\pythoon" (please note there is a space between ! and \
after thant (and a good chmod 777 /etc/script/* ) it work like a charm!
please let me say THANKS to anyone contribute to this script and this forum!
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday 15 March 2011, 03:58:15 am » |
really good article and has given me exactly what i wanted
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday 15 March 2011, 06:08:21 am » |
obviously i'm only a newbie here but - to make the script work - seem to need editing the script (also with notepad for the win user) Actually, you shouldn't use notepad to edit Linux files. You will likely find the file is not formated correctly after saving it. Mostly Notepad uses a different code to indicate a carriage return. In fact, I've seen Linux files edited with Notepad be treated as corrupt files. Instead, WINSCP has a nice editor built into it. Just right click the file and choose "Edit." If you prefer not to use WINSCP use Windows Write or Wordpad instead.
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday 16 March 2011, 07:45:36 pm » |
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday 16 March 2011, 11:12:25 pm » |
The file is located at the bottom of the initial post. You must be logged in to see it. It does include a script to auto update the black list categories.
« Reply #8 on: Thursday 28 July 2011, 08:27:27 pm » |
hello, i have this error whit my endian 2.4.1:
File "./blacklist_updater_21.py", line 48 if os.path.isfile(blacklistsubDirTMP + "domains") or ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
« Reply #9 on: Thursday 28 July 2011, 08:58:24 pm » |
The entire line should be:
if os.path.isfile(blacklistsubDirTMP + "domains") or os.path.isfile(blacklistsubDirTMP + "urls"):
Keep in mind, these are Linux files. If you used a DOS text editor, such as Notepad, the file will become corrupt. If you are using WinSCP it has a built-in editor that won't corrupt the file, just right click the file you want to work on.
Hopefully this helps.
« Reply #10 on: Thursday 28 July 2011, 10:59:04 pm » |
« Reply #11 on: Friday 30 September 2011, 06:21:19 am » |
Jr. Member
Posts: 9
« Reply #12 on: Wednesday 30 November 2011, 11:54:35 pm » |
Hi I have installed black list updater but I have this error
-bash: etc/scripts/blacklist_updater_2.py: No such file or directory
I have followed the HowToUse file but when I start this command /etc/scripts/blacklist_updater_2.py whit putty I have the error.
-bash: etc/scripts/blacklist_updater_2.py: No such file or directory
Excuse for my bad english thanks
« Reply #13 on: Thursday 01 December 2011, 12:20:27 am » |
Ohifra, My only thought is that the file isn't actually there, or the folder or file are mis-named. Also, make sure the files are marked as executable:
The command to make the files executable is "chmod +x /etc/scripts/blacklist_updater_2.py" and "chmod +x /etc/cron.weekly/updateblacklists" in putty while connected to Endian.
Or if you prefer a GUI:
Use WinSCP to copy the files to the scripts folder and cron.weekly folder, then right click the file and choose properties, then check executable.
Good luck.
Jr. Member
Posts: 9
« Reply #14 on: Thursday 01 December 2011, 12:37:55 am » |
thanks for reply this is the code that I use to start blacklist_updater_2.py and I fin this new error command not found
root@sirfirewall:/etc # cd scripts root@sirfirewall:/etc/scripts # dir blacklist_updater_2.py root@sirfirewall:/etc/scripts # blacklist_updater_2.py -bash: blacklist_updater_2.py: command not found root@sirfirewall:/etc/scripts # blacklist_updater_2.py -bash: blacklist_updater_2.py: command not found root@sirfirewall:/etc/scripts #