EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: Blackice on Wednesday 10 October 2012, 10:48:10 pm

Title: ENDIAN firewall configuration reset
Post by: Blackice on Wednesday 10 October 2012, 10:48:10 pm
Hi All ...

I'm facing a very strange problem with endian, After doing some manual changes to the firewall configuration files (Not through the GUI) related to proxy and content filter and it's working for some time then i found that all the configuration is reseted back to the original configuration . is there is anyway I can stop this behavior with ? ..


Title: Re: ENDIAN firewall configuration reset
Post by: fqureshi on Wednesday 10 October 2012, 10:55:12 pm
Always make changes to .tmpl files under /var /efw

These settings are written in actual config files on startup or as services are restarted.

Title: Re: ENDIAN firewall configuration reset
Post by: Blackice on Wednesday 10 October 2012, 11:22:26 pm
thanks for your reply , but what i found there is only file ending with this extension : /var/efw/proxy/custom.tmpl

all i need to add some additional black lists to dansguardian .. but the only way to do it by editing the files under /etc/dansguardian  so can you please help in this

Thanks in advance

Title: Re: ENDIAN firewall configuration reset
Post by: fqureshi on Thursday 11 October 2012, 07:07:55 am
Yes you have to add under custom .tmpl but for dansguardian i think the config file is in /etc/dansguardian or might be in same directory as i told earlier that is /var /efw/dansguardian...

Check both locations. I am not at work right now otherwise i could have told you correct location after checking it on mine.

Title: Re: ENDIAN firewall configuration reset
Post by: Blackice on Thursday 11 October 2012, 10:09:21 pm
Thank you very much ,, I have figured i out , I found it under /etc/danguardian/profiles/1 .. but i have to edit both the conf files and conf.old .. thank you very much