EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: bhboyle on Saturday 02 October 2010, 05:57:53 am

Title: second network not connected to firewall
Post by: bhboyle on Saturday 02 October 2010, 05:57:53 am
Hey folks.

i have a second network with a completely independent address space connected to my green network using a linux box as a router. when i turned on ip_forwarding i was able to route in between the two network and all was well accept,  i could not get out to the Internet. as soon as i turned on masquerading on the linux router everything worked.

the problem is i would prefer not using nat as it mucks up my SIP phones.

i did try to add rules to make sure the traffic was allowed out in the outbound rules but it refused to work.

is this a known problem or did i screw something up?

i did a search but i could not find any one who posted any thing like this (may have used the wrong key words).

any help would be appreciate.

