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Author Topic: Blocking error  (Read 66354 times)
Douglas TI
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« on: Thursday 16 March 2017, 02:30:50 pm »

Dear ,

I managed the endian firewall about 2 years ago and during this time a big question:
The only version I found working steadily for my needs is version 2.5.2.
I would like your help for the following:
How to perform locks on all websites and only release a few from Endian 3.0 ??
I have done everything but I can not, I already ** in the content filter in blacklist but even so the sites pass as if it did not have any kind of blocking even restarting dansguardian, that is, I can not perform the locks and I am obliged to use Version 2.5.2 in which I can seamlessly perform the blocking through the content filter.
Then you will ask me: Why do not you block the access policy ??
Because if the lock is done there, it is all the time raising the popup box requesting user and password for the authentication which annoys the users too much.
Could someone help me ??
I use endian authenticated in AD with group-based rules.

Thank you for your help!
Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: Sunday 07 August 2022, 12:22:24 pm »

Hola, es sensillo: vas a PROXY/DNS/Antis-spyware, lo habilitas y alli tienes 2 ventanas, la de la derecha bloquea dominios, todo lo que figura alli no  a menos que algun usuario tenga cambiados los DNS ejemplo (use los de google 8.8.8.Cool.
Tambien tenes otra posibilidad, en la solapa [Network] / Edith Host, alli en el 1er renglon que dice (iP address) pones, 2do renglon que dice (Hostname) pones https, y en el 3er renglon que dice (Remark) pones un nombre figurativo que te dirva de referencia, en el renglon de la derecha que esta apartado que dice (Domain name) pones el dominio que no queres que accedan....

(IP address)
(Hostname) https
(Remark) Youtube                  (Domain name) youtube.com

eso hara que nadie ni si quiera con bypass acceda, pues cuando intente navegar a youtube, el mismo redirije al loopback.

espero te sirva
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