EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: Phobos on Thursday 01 October 2009, 07:59:27 pm

Title: need help to configure firewall/proxy for torrent
Post by: Phobos on Thursday 01 October 2009, 07:59:27 pm
I need step-by-step manual for configuration torrent-client "utorrent", port 52892

Title: Re: need help to configure firewall/proxy for torrent
Post by: danodemano on Monday 05 October 2009, 09:34:47 am
Log into your Endina box then go to Firewall -> Add a new destination NAT rule.  You should then fill in the page as such:
Destination NAT rule editor
Access from: Type: <ANY>
Target: <ANY Uplink>

Service: User-defined
Protocol: TCP+UDP
Target port/range: 52892

Translate to
Type: IP
DNAT Policy: NAT
Insert IP: [insert the ****STATIC**** IP address of the machine running uTorrent here]
Remark: [Can be anything you wish, maybe uTorrent port forward or something like that]

After you save the rule, you need to click the big "Apply" button at the top of the page to make it active.