first, sorry for my poor english, i hope you will understand my question.
We have today a subnet in, with en Endian firewall.
There is an other subnet in the society, in 192.168.40.x/24, linked to the first one by our Cisco, so we can have Internet on this subnet.
By VPN, we can access to the subnet172.16.x.x. When we use a VPN connexion, we get an IP in 172.16.2.X, declared in the Globals settings oh the Open VPN's config section.
172.16.2.x is also the DHCP zone of the subnet
I'd like to join in VPN the subnet 192.168.40.x/24. (we connect in 172.16.2.x, and then we should be abble to open UltraVNC on 192.168.40.x)
Inside the society, i can ping, share documents, use UltraVNC, etc...
When i connect in VPN (and so i get an IP in 172.16.2.x), it's not possible to ping 192.168.40.x.
Here are my questions :
1-Is this some configuration i have miss somewhere ? (if yes, what ?

2-do you think i should reconfigure the Dynamic IP pool in Endian (in the Globals settings oh the Open VPN's config section) with another subnet (for exemple 10.0.0.x/24) and make a route from 10.0.0.x to 172.16.x.x ?