EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: haiau on Friday 25 September 2009, 02:59:16 pm

Title: Endian Firewall not automatically change default route to the secondary uplink
Post by: haiau on Friday 25 September 2009, 02:59:16 pm
EFW Uplinks do not Fail-Over

EFW detect that the network cables have been unplugged thus the fail over does not work...EFW does not automatically change default gateway and default route to the secondary uplink - backup link (uplink 1).

1. All wan set: static ip
2. I checked in the all uplink and both had the "active": managed
3. I set in the all uplink and both check host: www.google.com, www.sf.com, www.yahoo.com
4. I checked in the uplink 1 is: backup link  
5. All wan link connection is working normally: Internet is OK.

When wan main error (on the main uplink interface, I manual unplugged cables), EFW does not automatically change default gateway  and default route to the backup link (uplink 1).

But if I manual, then click disconnect on the wan main (unmanaged on web browser control of EFW) default gateway and default route is transferred to the backup link (uplink 1). Or on web browser control of EFW, click on backup link at an "active", the default gateway and default route and be successful.

Note that EFW discovered the wan connectivity to the main fault, however EFW no way to automatically change and default route to the secondary uplink - backup link, backup connection. I tried to wait the 15 minutes but no results.

Many Thanks.