EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: emc2 on Thursday 25 February 2016, 09:53:08 pm

Title: Green Network dead EFW Community 3.0.5
Post by: emc2 on Thursday 25 February 2016, 09:53:08 pm
Hi everyone,

since a few day's the GREEN Network of my EFW Community 3.0.5 is completely dead.
I still get IP adresses via DHCP, but no connection to the RED Uplink (wich works via the BLUE WiFi zone) and I cannot even reach the EFW admin panel. Thats also why I can't further investigate what went wrong. Of course I already rebooted the thing, but it wakes up in the same state (Uplink and WiFi working but Green dead).

Has anyone any suggestion what I could do to solve this issue?

Thank you all a lot!

Title: Re: Green Network dead EFW Community 3.0.5
Post by: gavins38 on Friday 26 February 2016, 03:07:35 am
Have you tried accessing the physical console? The fact that you can't access the EFW web admin sounds like a service isn't running or a network configuration issue. If you've got EFW running on a physical machine you should be able to plug a monitor and keyboard in and do a bit more troubleshooting.

Title: Re: Green Network dead EFW Community 3.0.5
Post by: emc2 on Friday 26 February 2016, 08:32:14 am
Yes I can access the console, but I'm a bit loss what to check there, since I have no knowledge about EFWs internals. Could you give me some starting points for my investigations?

Title: Re: Green Network dead EFW Community 3.0.5
Post by: gavins38 on Saturday 27 February 2016, 12:15:37 am
First thing to try would be reconfiguring the network connections. Login to the console as root and run netwizard. Answer all the configuration questions for the setup you required for your red and green connections, and pay particular attention to the last question about allowing port access to ports 22, 80 and 10443 from any interface - make sure to enable this. You can find a guide over at: help.endian.com/entries/62636188-Change-The-Network-Configuration-From-the-Console.

Failing that you can find out what other options are available from the console by typing help.