EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: grupotecnologia on Wednesday 17 June 2009, 10:43:54 am

Title: include banned word
Post by: grupotecnologia on Wednesday 17 June 2009, 10:43:54 am
who i include in banned word "messenger" i have endian 2.2. final release

Title: Re: include banned word
Post by: Steve on Wednesday 17 June 2009, 02:08:34 pm
You can use the Content Filter to ban sites that contain words of your choice.
You can use the existing content filter phrase filters or create your own.
Here is how to create your own.

Create a folder called MyFilter
Create a text file called weighted using the following format and place it inside the MyFilter folder you created.

#My List

Replace the first part (badword) with the word you want to ban, replace the second part (160) with the weight you want this word to have.
(Have a look at  Max. score for phrases (50-300) to get an idea here: Proxy => HTTP => Content filter)

Now place your MyFilter folder in /etc/dansguardian/phraselists (you will see a lot of other folders here)

First you need to activate your content filter,
then go to Proxy => HTTP => Content filter and click on  Uncategorized  - You will now see your MyFilter filter.
Activate the MyFilter filter and save.

You can even create your own category for your filter if you edit the categories file in  /etc/dansguardian/phraselists
This should give you an idea on where to start.

Title: Re: include banned word
Post by: gyp_the_cat on Thursday 25 June 2009, 11:54:52 pm
If you're trying to block Googlemail chat you'll probably need the following sites denied too:


If you mean MSN messenger, the easiest way was to add a MIME type of x-msn-messenger and block it, not sure with "Live Messenger" though.