Hello gents,
I'm trying to update my Endian Firewall Community version 2.4. But when running "efw-upgrade" I get this error message:
root@efw:~ # efw-upgrade
Loading cache...
Updating cache... ############################################################################################## [100%]
Fetching information for 'efw-community'...
-> h**p://****@****.**:*@updates.endian.org/stable/repodata/repomd.xml
repomd.xml [ 25%]
error: Failed acquiring release file for 'efw-community':
error: h**p://****%40****.**:community@updates.endian.org/stable/repodata/repomd.xml: Failed connect to updates.endian.org:80; Resource temporarily unavailable
Updating cache... ############################################################################################## [100%]
Channels have no new packages.
ERROR: Error during upgrade
(my email address is x out d/t privacy)

Any ideas on what's wrong? updates.endian.org server down at the moment?
Best regards