EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: NuclearOption on Saturday 14 April 2012, 07:45:41 am

Title: Wireless Interface
Post by: NuclearOption on Saturday 14 April 2012, 07:45:41 am
Hello I'am new to the forums and have recently set up 2.5.1 on a dell xps 410 for a school project. I am having a problem with my wireless interface being non-existent/not showing up on the endian web interface. However the linksys router I have plugged in is broadcasting and I am able to connect and get internet on a wireless device. I do get a ip address in the range I defined with dhcp in endian and the correct default gateway of the endian firewall. The set up I have currently is Modem>XPS410(Endian)>Linksys e3000>wireless/wired connections. I am very new and to the firewall but my teacher is teaching in class about it but I cant figure this out. Thanks for any help.

Title: Re: Wireless Interface
Post by: fqureshi on Saturday 14 April 2012, 08:10:03 am
If you are having two NICs on your endian server then according to your configuration, your red interface connects to modem and i believe on green interface you have connected linksys router. You should be able to see green interface... otherwise re-run the network configuration wizard.. however it is working fine as u are saying that you are getting an IP.

Title: Re: Wireless Interface
Post by: NuclearOption on Saturday 14 April 2012, 09:50:02 am
I do see the green interface but I don't see a blue one which I guess is supposed to define the wireless interface should I see a blue interface?

Title: Re: Wireless Interface
Post by: fqureshi on Saturday 14 April 2012, 10:49:09 am
Only if you have more than 2 nics in ur system and while defining network you have defined the third nic as blue interface only then you will see it. Otherwise as per your scenario i see that you have only two nics i.e. red and green interfaces :-)