I used to be able to block IP addresses when I was running version 2.3. Now the same instructions for blocking IP addresses does not work.
In the portion of the block rule in the Insert IP section I used to leave blank. Now when you try to leave the insert IP section blank it give this message. Will not allow you to save the rule as long as it is blank.
Invalid target IP address ""Incoming IP Section:- Incoming IP: Zone/VPN/Uplink
- Select interfaces: Uplink main - IP: All known
- Service: ANY
- Protocol: ANY
Translate to Section:- Type: IP
- Insert IP: supposed to be blank but will not allow me to leave blank
- Port/Range: Blank
Access From Section:- Source Type: Network/IP/Range
- Filter: DROP
- Insert network/IPs (one per line): only has one IP at the present moment for testing
- Position: First
Did this change from version 2.3 to 3.3?
Is there a better way of doing this in version 3.3?
Why can the insert IP not be empty in version 3.3?