EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: theonegod on Saturday 22 August 2009, 02:08:58 am

Title: Bug with Red Zone Modifications?
Post by: theonegod on Saturday 22 August 2009, 02:08:58 am
Last night I was setting up a new service on our network and wanted to assign an unused new Public IP to the Red Interface. I already have about 140 IPs setup this way so I know the setup is right and works. However the existing IPs were all added at the same time at initial installation. This is the first addional one I have added since that point.

The problem I have is that when I added the IP to the list and told it to update (I was remoted into the data center from home) the firewall became unreachable. I had to drive into the data center and as it turns out the red Interface was marked as inactive on the system status page. I clicked the check box to enable it and it came right up. Curious, as I knew I had not made any config mistakes I added another IP carefully. Again after telling it to update the Red Interface it finished the update with the Interface down.

This is a problem. Is this normal? How can I make this change without this occuring if it IS normal?

Title: Re: Bug with Red Zone Modifications?
Post by: StephanSch on Saturday 22 August 2009, 06:06:23 pm
Take a look at here if it is a bug: http://bugs.endian.it/view_all_bug_page.php

Title: Re: Bug with Red Zone Modifications?
Post by: odtabien on Saturday 05 September 2009, 10:45:27 am
when editing network configuration and before applyin or saving  "do not forget to checked" the managed uplink.