So the other day I edited clamd.conf and clamd.conf.tmpl. I changed to the IP of my EFW so that my email server could throw emails at ClamAV.
./etc/init.d/clamd restart
./etc/init.d/dansguardian restart
Awesome! Now my email server successfully checks against ClamAV.
Go to any computer not whitelisted in the content filter and you get "102 Connection Reset by Peer" errors that also say "Read Error"
Hrmm. Turn off Contentfilter and folks can browse. It's a Dansguardian issue.
Hard reboot! No luck.
Searched here and the recommendation is to turn off AV in the content profile. Fine. Save... doesn't save. Grr!
Created a new profile (Content2) in the contentfilter setup, but without AV. Saved. Updated the Access Policy tab. Restarted Dansguardian ... same issues.
Edited the clamd.conf and clamd.conf.tmpl and set them back to, restarted clamd and dansguardian. Still doesn't fix it.
Turned off the content filtering in EFW GUI and walked away for now.
Any thoughts on how to go forward?