1. HAVP Error - Proxy
2. The requested URL could not be retrieved
3. Unable to forward this request at this time.
4. Sorry, you are not currently allowed to request
5. from this cache until you have authenticated yourself.
6. 15 April 2010
.::Here is solution::.Now follow these 5 steps to keep your Endian Firewall Community up to date: 1. Enable SSH access on your firewall
2. Open your favorite SSH terminal and connect to the firewall (On Windows you may use putty)
3. If your Endian Firewall Community is older than version 2.2 please run
root@efw-2:~ #
rpm -ivh h t t p://
4. Run the efw-upgrade script
root@efw-2:~ #
Please choose the appropriate channel for your environment and hit [ENTER]:
1) Production (stable releases)
2) Development (bleeding edge)
Please enter your username and hit [ENTER]:
(mail) IMPORTANT:YOU NEED REGISTER USER IN (h t t p://w w w if you get this errorUpdating cache... ################################################################ [100%]
Fetching information for 'efw-community'... -> h t t p://YOURUSERNAME(MAIL):* repomd.xml [ 0%]
error: Failed acquiring release file for 'efw-community':
error: h t t p://YOURUSERNAME(MAIL):community@.../stable/repodata/repomd.xml: The requested URL returned error: 401 Updating cache... ################################################################ [100%]
Change User Agian, Use this Command: