EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: anduz on Tuesday 30 August 2011, 07:43:56 pm

Title: EFW running in VMPlayer under Windows SBS 2008 - loosing ping
Post by: anduz on Tuesday 30 August 2011, 07:43:56 pm

I'm having a lot of lost ping packets with my configuration.

PC ----- SBS 2008 (running EFW in VMPlayer) ----- Router ---- Internet

Using 1 NIC for Red (public ip address) and Green (LAN ip address, used as default gateway) interface

From PC:
Ping EFW - no problems
Ping www_google_com - looses packets

From SBS:
the same

From EFW (from Web Console):
Ping www_google_com - no lost packets, but 1 duplicate (DUP!)
Ping PC, SBS or Router - no lost packets, but 3 duplicates (DUP!)

Does anybody have an idea why this could be?

I noticed it's getting worse while there is more traffic through the gateway.

Title: Re: EFW running in VMPlayer under Windows SBS 2008 - loosing ping
Post by: fqureshi on Friday 02 September 2011, 08:29:55 am
Have you enabled outgoing firewall as well? Disable it and test again,.

Title: Re: EFW running in VMPlayer under Windows SBS 2008 - loosing ping
Post by: anduz on Friday 02 September 2011, 04:53:18 pm

thanks for the answer.

I've tried to disable all firewalls: Outgoing, Inter-zone, VPN

Still getting lost packets   :-[

Title: Re: EFW running in VMPlayer under Windows SBS 2008 - loosing ping
Post by: fqureshi on Saturday 03 September 2011, 11:00:34 pm
No worries. It seems ur network has unnecessary broadcast..... try to install wireshark on any machine and monitor the captured traffic. Wireshark is a free utility to capture packets receiving on network interface...

Check the source. ... this could also be due to worm/trojan in ur network...

Also please tell me the ping response from ur router to google.com

Title: Re: EFW running in VMPlayer under Windows SBS 2008 - loosing ping
Post by: anduz on Monday 05 September 2011, 06:07:05 pm
There shouldn't be any worms or trojans since we have Trendmicro running.
And the problem with lost pings comes up only when somebody is downloading.

I'm no expert with Wireshark, but i think this one is strange:
374   7.415591   TCP   54   [TCP Dup ACK 372#2] https > 52431 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=181 Win=54 Len=0
21373   7.112204   TCP   66   [TCP Dup ACK 21324#1] https > trp [ACK] Seq=123 Ack=110 Win=4500 Len=0 SLE=1 SRE=110 seems to be an opera server?

ping to google.com about 60ms from router (efw running in vmware player)
ping while downloading up to 700ms

Title: Re: EFW running in VMPlayer under Windows SBS 2008 - loosing ping
Post by: fqureshi on Monday 05 September 2011, 06:15:43 pm
It is normal if few ping replies are lost when downloading is in progress....

Would you please tell me if you have disabled outgoing firewall?

And those wireshark output is only duplicate acknowledgements which again shows that there is bottleneck somewhere in your network most probably at outgoibg interface...

Have u disabled outgoing  firewall?

Title: Re: EFW running in VMPlayer under Windows SBS 2008 - loosing ping
Post by: fqureshi on Monday 05 September 2011, 06:24:24 pm
Also disable intrusion detection if you hav enabled it and try again...

Title: Re: EFW running in VMPlayer under Windows SBS 2008 - loosing ping
Post by: anduz on Monday 05 September 2011, 07:01:25 pm
The outgoing firewall is disabled.
Tried disabling intrusion detection an there are still lost replies.
And response times of about 900ms (this could be a connection problem at the moment), since I get the same response value with efw and the physical router as gateway.

Title: Re: EFW running in VMPlayer under Windows SBS 2008 - loosing ping
Post by: fqureshi on Tuesday 06 September 2011, 12:39:48 pm
Yes the response time from your gateway router (physical router) matters...always first check the ping response from router...

Title: Re: EFW running in VMPlayer under Windows SBS 2008 - loosing ping
Post by: anduz on Thursday 08 September 2011, 06:22:59 pm
But unfortunately the problem persists, that internet browsing gets very slow and ping replies get lost, while I'm downloading.
May it be a problem with VMware Player? Or a setting on SBS 2008?
I've already tried to give the process a higher priority, even realtime, but nothing changed.