Hi all,
i did setup for a new web-server with IP
Gateway (Endian Firewall),
and i have many PC in the network for range of green eth0
my outside or red eth2 IP address (
web-server in port (Port forwarding / NAT >> Destination NAT) i added this row :
- Uplink ANY, TCP/80, Service:HTTP Allow -> : 80, web-server, Access from: <ANY>
now i can reach the web-server from outside the internet by just browsing the http: and am happy with that but the only thing is that its very slow so am wondering is there any other setup on the endian to make this one works just fine !!?

You may say that my internet is not that much imean the speed but i know its nothing wrong with the internet connection because i can reach the endian firewall web management site from the internet without any problem and speed just normal

so please if any body if have any clue about this may can help me in !!!!