Try as I might I cannot get OpenVPN to accept connections

I have followed the various walkthroughs and done, at one point or another, all the following:
Run the OpenVPN server on EFW (2.2RC3) with all the recommended config options from the documentation
Generated and downloaded a CA certificate on EFW
Installed OpenVPN GUI on the WinXP client, copied and editied appropriately the connect.opvn (from the Endian KB article) file and placed both that and a copy of the CA certificate in the right folder on the client (the CA cert name matches that in the connect.opvn)
Turned off the firewall on my client completely in respect of the TAP interface (but not the
physical interface)
Forwarded UDP 1194 from my router to the Red interface of EFW and opened the router's external firewall to the same port
Turned off all inter-zone and outgoing firewalls in EFW
I still get a 'TSL handshake failed after 60 secs' type error when I try to connect from outside my network
I'm sure the router config is correct because it is an exact clone of the SMTP(25) rules that work just fine for the mailserver in my DMZ and also because the error logs I get on the client are the same on EFW - so the forwarding is correct as far as I can surmise otherwise I'd get no errors on EFW
Can anyone make any suggestions as to where it might be falling over and where to go from here
