Hi all,
1st post, so be nice!

I've been running IPCop for quite a while here at home (originally on a P233/128Mb/6Gb box, now on a P4 1,8/512Mb.40Gb box). I have the standard 3-nic set up (Green/Orange/Red), and I began thinking about offering a service where I would re-use older Desktop machines and rent these out as appliances to small businesses. Of course, IPCop, whilst reasonably good, isn't a Unified Threat Management device out of the box, which is where Endian comes in...
I've bought another P4 desktop, which I plan to fit with an IDE RAID controller, and mirror a of 20 or 40Gb disks. I feel that this "should" be OK as an appliance for a small business (up to ~20 users). It's similarly specced to the one mentioned above, and I'd like some advice as to whether this would be suitable, esp. if theusers were also using VPN connections...
On the other hand, I've bought a larger Server which I'd ultimately like to deploy in a business supporting ~200 users. This one is an IBM X236 SCSI-based Server, running a single 3.2GHz Xeon CPU (dual-capable), 1Gb RAM (might be adding some more), dual gigabit NICs, and currently has 2 x 36Gb, 10,000RPM SCSI disks in a hardware mirror (I plan on adding 2 more disks and setting up 3 in a RAID 5 with a hot spare). Do you guys reckon this kind of machine will support some heavy usage in an environment of 200 or so users?
Thanks in advance. Oh, and Hi!