EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: dwinblood on Tuesday 09 April 2013, 04:56:44 am

Title: EFW 2.5.1 - Weird occasional issue - connect fine - minutes later get 113 errors
Post by: dwinblood on Tuesday 09 April 2013, 04:56:44 am
I have been happily using Endian Firewall at my home for months.   We have several at work as well.

I have 3 VPNs (IPSEC) setup in the Endian to reach out to the work endians.

Sometimes I use an OpenVPN client on my desktop for a 4th VPN which I have insufficient info to setup in Endian.

Anyway... I use the Endian firewall day in and day out with little to no issues.

There have been times when I access several severs.  (Example: Webmin on one Linux BIND DNS server that does not require a VPN, and another PowerDNS server that requires the Desktop 4th VPN)

They connect fine.   I actually am able to click through and do things.   Then within about a minute I start getting:

The following error was encountered:

Connection Failed

The system returned:
(113) No route to host

I will close some windows, look at my firewall, see if anything is wrong...  I don't find any errors or anything wrong...   I'll try again a little later and it will connect fine, I'll be able to work for about a minute and then the 113 error comes back.

I tried disabling the 3 Endian Firewall based VPNs and just using the single OpenVPN connection...   I was thinking maybe the routing was messing up.

The traceroutes I do come back fine before and after disabling those VPNs and returns what I expect.

So, at the moment I am at a loss....

Especially, since it works great for a minute before deciding it cannot find a route.

This is just HTTP and HTTPs traffic.   I am using Google Chrome.

I'll go switch to firefox and see how it works in that.

Any ideas?

Title: Re: EFW 2.5.1 - Weird occasional issue - connect fine - minutes later get 113 errors
Post by: dwinblood on Tuesday 09 April 2013, 05:46:34 am
Ok, I persevered....

I had an HTTP Proxy enabled, though no one was using it.   This seemed to interfere.   I disabled that and the problem seems to have gone away.