Title: Create an user account on Endian 3 Post by: Vids65 on Thursday 05 February 2015, 08:07:38 pm Hi
I have an Endian 3 installed as gateway. For some reasons (I pass the details here), it would be nice to create an user account on the Endian. I have followed the Red Hat instruction but it doesn't work ??? Any idea? Thanks David Title: Re: Create an user account on Endian 3 and give and SSH access to it Post by: Vids65 on Thursday 05 February 2015, 09:17:00 pm Below the procedure to create a new users and give a SSH access to it
0) Log as root on terminal 1) Create a new user : useradd userName 2) Create the password for it : passwd 3) Edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config : nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config 4) find the line : AllowUsers root support 5) Add the userName at the end of the line : AllowUsers root support userName The SSH access is now enable for the userName I hope this help :) |