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Author Topic: Installing *beyond* another firewall (I just need spam filtering)  (Read 14627 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: Wednesday 19 October 2011, 07:15:58 pm »

I'm evaluating Endian for spam filtering. We already have a firewall and I need Endian to just work as a spam/virus mail filter.
I've tried all kind of configurations (routing, fake red interfaces, you name it) but I can't make it work in the following environment:
- Endian and mail server are on the same subnet (192.168.1.x)
- I don't need any firewalling because it has already been taken care of. Endian lives on the LAN.
- The firewall will redirect port 25 on Endian through its LAN network (so, again 192.168.1.x)
- Endian should parse emails and deliver them to the mail server (always on 192.168.1.x)
- Endian should be able to connect to the internet to fetch e.g. virus updates through the router's LAN interface

In short Endian should live and work inside the LAN. I already had an appliance that did just that (a Barracuda kit) and wanted to see if Endian can take its place but for the sake of me I couldn't get it working. It doesn't go on the internet and even if it seems to accept incoming mails (I did some telnet) and even if I did create two domains with the corresponding mail servers (always the same btw) it seems to want to deliver everything to

Any ideas?

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« Reply #1 on: Saturday 31 December 2011, 04:55:02 pm »

Leo, I have implemented the architecture you want a number of times.

do this
1)setup Endian on the lan in gateway mode.
2) redirect all smtrp traffic from the firewall to endian
3) have endian's email service redirect the scrubbed email to the email server on the inside.


By the way I replace a barracuda appliance with this config and the clients were thrilled.

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« Reply #2 on: Friday 06 January 2012, 03:57:50 am »

FWIW: I've compiled and am currently testing the Razor2 and DCC plugins to SpamAssassin (used in addition to rules and the Pyzor plugin already enabled by default).  Don't know if you would want try adding those to the spam appliance-filter you're building.
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