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Author Topic: Restore backup on new serveur  (Read 27022 times)
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« on: Thursday 15 March 2012, 02:45:36 am »

Hi all,

we have new server and we want to migrate endian to new serveur.

i have imported my backup on new serveur but the br0 is not connect to the hardware network card.

it's endian 2.5

tks for help
Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: Monday 13 August 2012, 11:21:14 pm »

Restoring a backup to new hardware and migrating Endian hard drive to new hardware. 2.5.1

This is quicker and requires less trial and error if you already know the mac address of the network card you want to use for the green interface (br0) and have it documented.


Boot the new install.


select 0 at the command prompt

[firewall]: 0

[firewall]: login

root's password: XXXXXXXXXXXXX



If you know the mac address of the adapter you want to use for the green interface (br0) you will want to find the eth# for the adapter run the following command and get the eth#. if you do not have the mac address take note of the eth#'s.


If you have the mac address of the network card you want to use for your web interface, use the command:

ifconfig | grep XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX represents the mac address you are looking for)

The output should look something like this:

eth6      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

In this output we can see that the network card we are looking for is eth6.

If you do not have the mac address:

ifconfig | less

When you have the information you need enter the command:

nano /var/efw/ethernet/br0

Change the number of eth? to whatever eth# your mac address dictated. If you did not know the mac address you will need to sequentially try the eth numbers that you retrieved "ifconfig -a | less" until you find the correct one. You will have to save your change and exit nano then reboot after each change to try the new network card configuration.

Once you get access to the web interface, login and run the "Network Configuration" wizard to configure the network cards.

I have done this, it does not seem to affect the other services and should no, since they are mapped to the bridged network interfaces
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« Reply #2 on: Friday 23 November 2012, 06:40:49 pm »

 Grin It's  worked   Cheesy
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