EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: xlancealotx on Thursday 12 June 2014, 02:04:53 am

Title: How do I see outbound usage?
Post by: xlancealotx on Thursday 12 June 2014, 02:04:53 am
Seems simple enough and I am sure I am just missing something, but I am getting some high spikes, ping times going from 20's to 900's and the network just crawls.  I tested Untangle along with a few others and Endian has some great features, but I can't see how to see what's using the bandwith.

Under status/traffic graph's, I see the HUGE spike, but how can I look and see the internal IP thats using it along with the destination perhaps?   That is one thing Untangle had down very nice, a simple click on the interface, click real time and sort by use and there it was.

Everything else however I think you have them beat so really want to stay with this, but this thing is haunting me!


Title: Re: How do I see outbound usage?
Post by: jpin on Wednesday 18 June 2014, 04:40:34 am
NTOP should do this for you.  Services > Traffic Monitoring > Administrative Interface

Title: Re: How do I see outbound usage?
Post by: xlancealotx on Wednesday 18 June 2014, 04:58:42 am
Interesting, never saw that, but I was hoping for a little more detail.

I have enabled QOS and tweaked so its a bit better, but some competitors have a feature where I am looking at my network slow down.  I could hit an outbound interface spot on the admin and see realtime the local IPs and their traffic.  Sometimes people run a backup app or something that generates a huge amount of upload traffic that in turn slows everyone down.

So testing other apps, I could see some local IP using all of the upload pipe, then look and see the protocol/service and know instantly what was going on.

I will play a bit more on this, but thanks for the reply.

Title: Re: How do I see outbound usage?
Post by: jpin on Wednesday 18 June 2014, 06:37:07 am
If you click on the flows tab it give you the ability to sort a little better, and drill down for more detail.   I usually sort by throughput to find my offendors I agree its not perfect.

Trying to respond with what little knowledge I have since this place is dead quiet.