EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: Sinatraw on Sunday 07 February 2010, 01:18:14 pm

Title: Port Forwarding Issue
Post by: Sinatraw on Sunday 07 February 2010, 01:18:14 pm
Good Evening Everyone:

I have been using endian community edition utm for about a month. I have been having a issue with opening up port 22 so I can get access to my  class with Redhat academy. Grc.com keep showing it as being stealthed.

It would be greatly appreciated if someone explain what I need to do.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Port Forwarding Issue
Post by: Sinatraw on Wednesday 10 February 2010, 11:18:57 pm
Good Morning...I finally figured out the issue with getting port 22 open...That is a done deal...The new issue when I try to check my grades is I get this message:

"Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time."...

Where do I go from here?
