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Author Topic: SMTP Proxy - Smarthost  (Read 25903 times)
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« on: Friday 08 January 2010, 01:46:39 am »


I have smtp proxy running with a smarthost, now I seem to be facing a n issue where the from address is automatically over written by the smarthost account INSTEAD of the actual user account the way it would normally go.

P.S.  I am using gmail apps account for my smarthost.
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« Reply #1 on: Saturday 09 January 2010, 02:57:14 am »

Seems to be an issue with gmail, you have to allow the various email ids as your own in your gmail/apps account first. Then it works fine.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #2 on: Sunday 24 January 2010, 11:08:41 pm »

I'm trying to make smarthosts to work with google apps, but sitll can't make it.
Could you give me and advice of how did you configure it?
At leas your post make me try again, because now I now that it works.


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« Reply #3 on: Monday 25 January 2010, 04:52:38 am »

Actually if you read my previous post, its pretty clear. But anyways.. here goes

This mainly addresses the from address showing up as the smarthost user account, also gives an explanation on how and why you get auto archives.

First off you have to understand that with a google account, anything you send is basically sent as a sent from that account.

Therefore if you are using A@B.COM as the smarthost user, then the email will be sent from that address irrespective of the actual user (behind the firewall)

This also means the email will be in the sent folder of the aforementioned address.

So therefore if you use this with google /google apps based account, you will automagically compulsorily get a copy in the sent folder, irrespective of what you do. Which in a way is great if you want to have an archive account. For the sake of making things easier, lets actually call this the archive account henceforth.
If you want to allow the users email to go through, then login to the archive account, and then go to the settings. In the identities, you need to set up each user account as part of the archive account. This basically confirms with google that the archive account is ALLOWED to send mails on behalf of the other accounts (users).

To confirm this process the user account will receive an email, which must be accepted.

Henceforth any email from that user will automatically go through without having the from address changed.

Hope this makes life easy for you Cheesy
Jr. Member
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« Reply #4 on: Thursday 28 January 2010, 08:25:14 am »

Really thanks, I understud that from the first mail.

Maybe my question is bad redacted (sorry my bad english).

My problem is that I cannot send any message (without worring regarding the account) outside using the proxy.
How do you configure the internal clients (outlook thunderbird)? and how configure exactly Endian.
I manage to send from the clients to endian the mails, and endian say that are queued. But they never reach the outside world.
Could you give me the parameters that work for you?
If you want I could give you my email, and make the exchange more direct.


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« Reply #5 on: Friday 29 January 2010, 03:36:53 am »

Sure message me your email, and or messenger and we can take it from there.
Realistically you need to set up your proxy as a smarthost. Make sure you enable that. Also validate the settings such as the user/pass used for the smarthost. Generally thats all there is to it
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