I very much
appreciate your offer to take on this difficult task (more like a

My network and equipment is confusing to me. Still learning. It is very much under-utilized as you will see. Here is the equipment I have:
- 1 Rack mounted DL360 G6 with 4 NIC's (Hyper-V Server) [
2 NIC's are Teamed (External Virtual Switch) all the VM's are connected to this Team
- 1 Stand-alone computer w/1 NIC acting as [
- 1 DGS-1100-16 EasySmart 16-Port Gigabit Switch [
- 1 ASUS RT-N66U Wireless Router w/vendor firmware [
- 1 Cable Modem [
- 1 Linksys E4200 WiFi Router - Acting in bridge mode [
Map is like this:
ISP > Router [Port 1]
Switch [Port 1]
Hypervisor, NAS, PDC, Bridge, etc.
I have not done any special config on the Switch or Router other than open a ports. Everything is pretty much defaults and standard.
My Hypervisor has approximately 13 Server VM's. One of them is a
Secondary Domain Controller. Rest of the VM's are Citrix and App-V related (LAB).
My household has approximately 43 devices connecting via wired and WiFi. The WiFi devices mainly connect to the Router but some connect to the Bridge.
My goal would be to use EFW on a VM and have everything filtered thru there including the wifi traffic. I guess it would be acting as a Transparent proxy.
Everything on my network works great. I just plugged it all in and it works. I am a Certified Citrix admin but very weak on the networking-side of things. I mean, I can do the basics but that's it. I think that's everything. If you are able to help me out configuring it all to go thru a VM, you would be KING. Especially since I am "Network Stupid"... you will prob need to draw pictures for me - lol.
Another thought I had recently was this
Easy Route...
Rather than use a VM, I have an extra stand-alone PC that is doing nothing. I can add a dual-NIC card to it, configure it as the EFW box. Plug the cable from the ISP into one port and the other cable into the Router WAN port. With this approach, I would not even have to touch my existing infrastructure. This would be the easy route for sure but I would rather use a VM to save space, power, etc. and learn something in the meantime.
Maybe I should go the easy route?