EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: b1naryg0d on Tuesday 27 July 2010, 06:42:19 pm

Title: Having problems with Source and Destination based routing
Post by: b1naryg0d on Tuesday 27 July 2010, 06:42:19 pm
Basically want to 1-1 NAT from xyz WAN IPs to xyz LAN IPs(on router)..and then port forward selective ports to selective servers..droping the excess
So basically i need help with IPTables(if i did the routes right)...the iptables dumps and all the other information you need is included in 2 text files(IPTables dump from each server) and 1 image(network map with more details and 'ip route' tables and 'ip addr' information, if you can please help i would appreciate it, i have been googling, pounding my  into the wall, and just about everything else....needless to say my heads hurting and im left clueless...by the way im running 2.4

(aech-tee-tee-pee)(semi-colon)(slash-slash) Whole Question and info
(aech-tee-tee-pee)(semi-colon)(slash-slash) Router Iptables
(aech-tee-tee-pee)(semi-colon)(slash-slash) DMZ IPtables