EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: fitus on Wednesday 28 July 2010, 04:36:08 am

Title: ICQ bypasses any outgoing blocking rule
Post by: fitus on Wednesday 28 July 2010, 04:36:08 am
Hi community,

i'm new to efw, i have installed the firewall und tested the basic configuration.
Then i created an outgoing rule that blocks all traffic from the green interface to the red interface, and put the rule to the highest priority.
This works fine with all programms on the green client. no e-mail and http traffic was possible. except icq, icq connects in spite of this rule.
I looked at the client network interface with wireshark and saw the icq shares traffic with port 80, that is blocked by the rule ( the allow http rule from efw i disabled ).
why is that possible?
