EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: fqureshi on Wednesday 03 August 2011, 03:23:34 pm

Title: Disable logging in Endian
Post by: fqureshi on Wednesday 03 August 2011, 03:23:34 pm
Dear All,

I want to disable logging under EFW for every service e.g. havp, squid, clamav etc etc...

Any help would be much appreciated..

Title: Re: Disable logging in Endian
Post by: fqureshi on Saturday 06 August 2011, 11:26:12 am
Following link shows how to create custom cron jobs under Endian appliance.


I am running following cron job under /etc/anacron.daily/

/usr/sbin/squid -k rotate
/bin/cat /dev/null > /var/log/httpd/httpd_access
/bin/cat /dev/null > /var/log/httpd/error_log
/bin/cat /dev/null > /var/log/httpd/ssl_engine_log
/bin/cat /dev/null > /var/log/httpd/ssl_request_log
/bin/cat /dev/null > /var/log/squid/access.log
/bin/cat /dev/null > /var/log/squid/useragent.log
/bin/cat /dev/null > /var/log/squid/access.log_short

exit 0

Above are the log files which grow very frequently. I also need monitoring of the web pages accessed throughout the day thus while work time I monitor it and then this cron job truncate all the mentioned log files to remove all the entries. This helps in not taking up all the space of /var/log

Otherwise my endian box /var/log filled within one week. This results in slow service and squid never keeps running. After few minutes it is killed as there is not enough space to write logs.

I hope this will be helpful for others having the same issue.