EFW Support

Support => General Support => Topic started by: lucaballerini on Tuesday 01 July 2008, 06:33:48 pm

Title: skype disconnects through proxy auth
Post by: lucaballerini on Tuesday 01 July 2008, 06:33:48 pm
Hi all

I've forced my lan users to use endian proxy with auth to access internet, by denying access to ports 80,443,8080

everything is working fine but skype, not very well

I've configured skype to use proxy with auth credentials, skype connects and then after a while it disconnects, then re-connects than disconnects again and so on

any help?!?!?

thanks in advance


Title: Re: skype disconnects through proxy auth
Post by: mundadashri on Friday 07 May 2010, 05:09:17 pm
I am facing the same issue with Endian Firewall 2.3 + Latest Skype + Authenticated Proxy
Skype keeps reconnecting after some time.
Is it related to proxy session timeout or something ?

Please help ...

Title: Re: skype disconnects through proxy auth
Post by: danirebtech on Wednesday 26 May 2010, 08:38:59 am
The same happens to me !!!
Are you having the same problem or did you resolved it ?